الاثنين، 25 مارس 2013

تعلم الانجليزية بسهولة استعمال الاسماء المعدودة والغير معدودة Much and many + countable and uncountable

دروس مهمة باللغة الانجليزية للجميع والمبتدئين, تعلم نطق الكلمات الانجليزية وكيف تستعملها في الجمل, طريقة تعلم المفردات والصفات الانجليزية بسهولة وبسرعة, ألعاب وأغاني وموسيقى وأناشيد تعليم اللغة الانجليزية استعمال الاسماء المعدودة والغير معدودة Much and many + countable and uncountable.What do we mean by relationship-building? When we talk about the competency of relationship-building in the world of business, we are referring to building strong relationships with partners and clients – about using interpersonal skills to network in an effective way. What does a competent relationship-builder do? Somebody who is competent at relationship-building focuses on understanding the needs of the client and getting the best possible results. This competency promotes an ethic of client service and so an understanding and anticipation of a client’s changing needs is essential. Stress and conflict are other issues that a competent relationship-builder will manage - keeping composed and acting as mediator when conflicts arise. How can I start to develop the competency of relationship-building? First identify the business plan goals of your department and decide what your role is going to be in helping to achieve those goals. You will need to study the business plan and learn as much as possible about your clients’ activities, interests and needs. This information might be available in their own annual reports or in client surveys conducted by your company. Talking to your clients about how you can best meet their needs is also a sensible first step to take.

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